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    KONE Information 300


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    KONE Information 300

    Apps aktivieren

    • 1
      Select the display group that you want the app to be associated with by clicking Display Groups -> <name of a display group>.
    • 2
      Click Apps and select the app that you want to enable.
      Click Apps -> More Apps to view other available apps.
    • i
      Note: You only see apps that are enabled with your current license level. Contact KONE for a license upgrade.
    • 3
      Add content to the content library of the app.
      The content and settings depend on the selected app.
    • 4
      Set the time when the content is active.
    • 5
      Choose the display groups where you want the content to display.
      If you do not select any display groups, the content does not display anywhere, but it is stored for later access.
    • 6
      Click Save Changes.
      The content starts playing on the affected screens.

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